Online Courses

Our courses are perfect for small businesses looking to make the most of their marketing budget while learning to do it themselves. They're also great for companies with junior staff who could use a little extra guidance. Whether you want to learn as a group or one-on-one, our courses are designed to fit your needs and help you thrive in the world of marketing!

Organic Reach Booster Course
  • Assessment of the business page
  • Reposting techniques
  • Tips and tricks to increase story views
  • Tools and strategies to create content in no time
  • Difference between reels and story strategies
  • Ways to adapt trending reels for your business
  • Optimal time and frequency of reels and stories
  • Content Strategy
  • Top mistakes to avoid
  • Confidence boosters & hook inspirations
  • Introduction to influencer marketing
  • Personal success stories
  • Importance of user-generated content
  • Q & A session
Introduction to Meta Ads Course
  • Introduction to the Meta family
  • Choosing the most relevant campaign objective
  • Facebook Ad policies and review process
  • Identifying the target audience and budget
  • Difference between boosting and running
    campaigns from Ads Manager
  • Measuring ad results on the website
    through the Pixel
  • Creating and setting up an ad account
  • Types of creative ads

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